The military will also not use other Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters from this incident as this incident has happened several times. The engine manufacturer was described by Honeywell as having "suspicious O-rings" in some aircraft that did not meet its specifications. For this reason such an incident has happened with the Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter.
The US military said that until a solution is found, we will not use the H-47 Chinook helicopter for the time being, Army spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said that it is implementing corrective measures to resolve the incident. So that the army can soon use CH-47 Chinook helicopters.
In his statement, he said that no one has been killed or injured so far in this incident due to engine fire. The army has carefully landed the H-47. The military will not use the H-47 until the corrective action is complete, he has also said that the reform will be completed soon.
According to Hindustan Times The CH-47 Chinook is in use in the US Armed Forces as well as the UK and about 20 other countries that are built by Boeing. The army will not use it until it is completely correct.