On March 29, 2024, the film "EPPURA" is set hit theatres, produced by White Town Films, produced, Written & Directed by AR Raajesh The ensemble cast includes Vijay Murugan, pradeep Selvaraj, Karthick Shiva, abinaya, jodaa, kalai kaviyarasan, Adukalam murgadass, kaathu karupukalai, Subbu, Vinoth, Pondy selvam, and Kumaran.
"Eppura" presents a dark comedy hyperlink subject based on true incidents..
The disturbution across Tamilnadu & pondicherry will be handled by White Town Films & Rahmath creations, known for its commitment to audiences. The cinematography by Teejy sakthi and music composer Jass jp and editing by ashouk Kumar, and White Town Films company ( editor) Raj Ganesh contribute to the visual and post production studio Karshiv Records narrative aspects of the film.
As the release date approaches, " Eppura" is expected to provide audiences with a cinematic experience that extends beyond conventional genre boundaries. With a focus on storytelling, the film offers viewers has so accurately made a serious subject comedic suspenseful elements.